Button Poetry

Rudy Francisco - A Few Things

Reagan Myers - Depression Is Funny Like That

Nayo Jones - 'Healing'

Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley - Lost Voices

Rudy Francisco - To the body (Ao corpo) - legendado PT-BR - Button Poetry

Anita D - And the Psych Ward Says

Edwin Bodney - When a Boy Tells You He Loves You

Sarah Kay - The Type

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Emi Mahmoud - No One Tells You How Easy It Is to Fall in Love or How Hard It Is to Stay There

Bianca Phipps - Almosts

Rudy Francisco - My Honest Poem

Phil Kaye - Repetition

Phil Kaye - Beginning, Middle & End

Blythe Baird - Relapse

Rudy Francisco - A Series of Gentle Reminders

Jared Singer - Secrets on How to Get Through the Day

Neil Hilborn - The Future

Victoria Morgan - How to Succeed in Heartbreak

Blythe Baird - To Live in the Body of a Survivor

Olivia Gatwood - Manic Pixie Dream Girl

Jared Singer - Things I Can't Believe We Don't Have Words For

Sarah Kay - Private Parts

Blythe Baird - Guilt Doesn't Live Here Anymore